a collection of software interview questions about MySQL/Redis/Kafka, and this article updated on an ongoing basis
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MySQL Interviews: Why does MySQL use B+ trees for indexing? https://programmerscareer.com/mysql-interview4/
MySQL Interviews: MySQL interviews: What are the transaction isolation levels? What are the tradeoffs? https://programmerscareer.com/mysql-interview15/
MySQL Interviews: What are database transactions and why does MySQL use InnoDB as the default option https://programmerscareer.com/mysql-interview14/
MySQL Interviews: Briefly describe the difference between optimistic locks and pessimistic locks and the usage scenarios https://programmerscareer.com/mysql-interview5/
MySQL Interviews: What are the necessary conditions for a deadlock to occur? How do I resolve deadlocks? https://programmerscareer.com/mysql-interview6/
Redis Interviews: How many data structures does Redis have? How is Zset implemented? https://programmerscareer.com/redis-interview6/
MySQL Interviews: What is the difference between a clustered index and a non-clustered index? https://programmerscareer.com/mysql-interview13/
MySQL Interviews: Briefly describe the occurrence scenarios of dirty reading and phantom reading. How does InnoDB solve phantom reading? https://programmerscareer.com/mysql-interview12/
MySQL Interviews: What is the difference between a unique index and a normal index? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using indexes? https://programmerscareer.com/mysql-interview11/
Redis Interviews: Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of RDB and AOF schemes in Redis persistence https://programmerscareer.com/redis-interview5/
MySQL Interviews: Briefly describe gap locks in MySQL https://programmerscareer.com/mysql-interview10/
Redis Interviews: How to implement Distributed Locks with Redis https://programmerscareer.com/redis-interview2/
Redis Interviews: How to prevent cache avalanche and cache penetration with Redis https://programmerscareer.com/redis-interview4/
MySQL Interviews: How to tune MySQL performance https://programmerscareer.com/mysql-interview9/
MySQL Interviews: Briefly describe the primary/secondary synchronization mechanism of MySQL. What happens if the synchronization fails? https://programmerscareer.com/mysql-interview1/
MySQL Interviews: When doesn’t MySQL use the index? https://programmerscareer.com/mysql-interview8/
MySQL Interviews: What is an SQL injection attack? How can such attacks be prevented? https://programmerscareer.com/mysql-interview7/
MySQL Interviews: What are ACID in a database? https://programmerscareer.com/mysql-interview2/
Redis Interviews: The application and advantages and disadvantages of jump table in Redis https://programmerscareer.com/redis-interview1/
Kafka Interviews: How does Kafka send messages reliably? https://programmerscareer.com/kafka-interview1 /
MySQL Interviews: How does MySQL design indexes and optimize queries? https://programmerscareer.com/mysql-interview3/
Redis Interviews: If the Redis master node is down, how do you recover the data? https://programmerscareer.com/redis-interview3/
MySQL Interviews: Suppose to create a composite index (a, b, c) If you query fields A and c, will this composite index be used? https://programmerscareer.com/redis-interview19/
MySQL Interviews: What are the common storage engines for MySQL? What’s the difference? https://programmerscareer.com/redis-interview18/
MySQL Interviews: The implementation principle of MySQL MVCC https://programmerscareer.com/redis-interview17/
MySQL Interviews: When to split databases and when to split tables? https://programmerscareer.com/redis-interview16/
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中文文章: https://programmerscareer.com/zh-cn/software-interview-set/
Author: Wesley Wei – Twitter Wesley Wei – Medium
Note: If you choose to repost or use this article, please cite the original source.